Food for Thought – Yoga

I feel like I get the blogging bug once a month and then I just can’t shut up. I’m okay with that! I just wanted to share with some of you the benefits of yoga that have already started to make a drastic change in my life, my body, and my mindset. Teacher training has become such a blessing to my life and has opened up my eyes to what yoga really is, what it has to offer. It has taught me that yoga can really be what you want it to be, your yoga. I have been practicing yoga since I took my first class when I was fifteen years old and about a year ago, I decided that I really wanted to teach it. I want to show people my yoga and everything that I love about the different classes that I’ve taken as well as my own ideas.


Since starting teacher training I have noticed that my positivity and passion for life is a lot stronger and fuller than it has ever been. I’m not sure I can really explain why, but I know that learning about what yoga really means makes me feel like my practice has purpose. It’s not all about how it looks, it’s about how it feels. How your body connects with the ground and that first comfortable breath in forearm stand that makes you feel like you just conquered the world. Learning from different instructors on is also something that has made me appreciate my practice a lot more and life. Tara Judelle is really amazing. Another yogi who I am extremely inspired by is Rachel Brathen, a hand-standing yogi who lives in Aruba who is also known as yoga_girl on instagram. She posts almost daily about how to connect with yourself and your practice, how to love who you are, and different must reads like The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle. She literally gets to travel the world and teach workshops wherever her heart desires. I want that lifestyle. Three more yogis who I have especially loved learning from are locals in Clearwater. Heidi Templeton and Erin Motz both teach at Heat Yoga & Fitness and Jennyris Nieves teaches at Pure Yoga & Fitness. Tara, Rachel, Heidi, Erin, and Jennyris are the main yogis who have taught me that with the love and appreciation of what yoga can do, we can change the world into a bigger and brighter place. Wendy O’ Lenic, my teacher training instructor, is also someone who I admire.


Yoga also has a MILLION health benefits! I don’t understand the people who will let their lack of flexibility influence them from not going to a class. Wouldn’t that be the same thing as saying “Well…I don’t know how to ride a bike…so I’m not going to even try”? Even if you want to take a quick class online to know the basics to avoid feeling embarrassed in class, which you shouldn’t, do that! There is always a starting point! I’m going to make my entire family do yoga by the time I’m done with this training! Get ready, Beempa! Teacher training is starting to really shine the light on how important yoga is and how much it can truly help heal someone or prevent future injuries. Everyone under the sun from Athletes to Businessmen should be going to yoga. Get the synovial fluid in your joints flowing and your muscles warm. Everyone should be jumping on this bandwagon. Wendy recently taught us that yoga is such a release that sometimes people will just be overwhelmed with laughter or sadness because you’re opening up the heart chakra so much when practicing. It hasn’t happened to me yet, but I can’t wait for that day.


I’m rambling on and I’m only in my third month of training. Yoga is important. Do it 🙂 can give you heaps of information about WHY you should be doing it, too.


“Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, from a healthy person, smiles and happiness shine forth like the rays of the sun.” ~ B.K. S Iyengar


Hi world!

It’s crazy – the past few months I’ve had. I have felt such a positive change within myself and my attitude towards life and I owe it all to one thing…gratitude. During the month of November we all dedicate one day to giving thanks and gratitude towards our family, our friends, and everything and everyone around us. It’s amazing that we can all come together on one day out of the year and put aside differences to just let one another know how much we appreciate them. But why is it that we only do this one day out of 365?



Throughout this entire month, I have been feeling nothing but pure appreciation and gratitude towards everyone in my life who support me and encourage me to be the best possible version of myself. I have such an incredible support system and I feel so loved each and every day.  In my generation, we have so many people that just don’t realize how incredibly lucky we all are to live the way we do and to be as fortunate as we are. I’m so happy to have my Mom who has taught me to be so appreciative for everything that I have and that I earn in life, and who continues to be the best roll model I could hope for. I did a yoga class on (do yourself a favor and check it out) with Tara Judelle and she instructed the class to dedicate different portions of our practice to those in our lives who we feel extreme gratitude for. She inspired me to be so very thankful for everything that I have – my health, my family and friends, my yoga practice, James. I’ve never felt this much happiness in my entire life, and I don’t know if I owe it to yoga or the incredible people in my life….but I’ll go ahead and say it’s both 🙂


This is James and his Grandfather whom I am extremely fond of! I didn’t snag a photo of James’ Mom, Debbie, or his Grandmother, Betty unfortunately but I’m absolutely crazy about his family. James puts up Betty’s tree every year with Debbie and this is the second year I got to do it with them! It’s always so beautiful.


I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family. Days where we can sit around the table and tell each other how much we mean to one another really makes me feel blessed to have my family – and their health. We had some family in from Dallas, TX who helped us put up our Christmas tree during Thanksgivikkah! We celebrated Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, and my brother’s 23rd birthday all in the same day. I loved every minute of it.


So much is going on this month! Tampa Am is coming up this weekend which will be a lot of fun. I have yoga teacher training every Saturday (Wendy O’Lenic is amazing), our Wiiings team Christmas Party is coming up, and I’m flying out to Salt Lake City, Utah in 10 days with James! I have no idea how I’m going to manage to keep myself warm. We’re staying with some of his friends and he’s turning 22 on December 15th! I’m so excited for all of my friends to come in town for the holidays and for how amazing this entire month is going to be. Cheers to the end of 2013, a wrap on Fall semester finals, and family.



“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.” -Rumi